Just released! Symbol of a Nation, an anthology
that includes my short story Sdani White Wings. The paperback (and a bunch of
information about it) is available here.
It’s also debuting today at Anthrocon,
a large and famous furry convention. The digital edition will be available soon,
according to the publisher.
A tiny teaser: Sdani loves her land, water and sky
so much that, with a little help from the Far Land gods, this “ugly swanling” tries
to stop the invading Goreek from Hell who would devour her world. Then
something really cool happens to her.
Check out the anthology; there are ten
other pieces, all intriguing, quirky and fun. Reviews posted on Goodreads,
Amazon, here and anywhere you like are always appreciated.
I swanny that you’ll
enjoy the read! (Look it up.)