Quote of the Moment:

Quote of the Moment: Who said this, and why? "I'm coming to realize EVERYONE can eat me."

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

What's Happening?

Well, let’s see… after re-reading my ‘Seven Secrets for Summer Reading’ post from June to get my bearings, what’s happening is:

The paperback version of Seven Secrets in the Upper Attic is available on Amazon. I do love the feel of physical books sometimes, don’t you? And as with all of my books, I’ve selected Amazon’s feature whereby the e-book version is free if you purchase the paperback through them. Sometimes it’s nice to have a snug-in-the-armchair book and a mobile version when you’re on the go; I know both types of readers.

What else is happening?

The Rogan Treasures, sequel to Seven Secrets, is with beta readers and undergoing the usual editing. The comments so far are encouraging, and the suggestions most welcome. Please keep at it, betas, and thanks again. 

And what else?

This fall, Randa’s Day: an Interlude in the Animal Guild, will be available as an e-book from Amazon. As I mentioned in the June post, it’s a “single” fiction piece that bridges the events between The Hikum and The Rogan Treasures. The Hikum actually takes place after Seven Secrets, which I didn’t remember until I recently checked my Big Timeline of Animal Guild Events. It doesn’t necessarily matter which book is read first (unless you are as stickler-y as I am), but catching up on The Animal Guild Series and reading Randa’s Day will make understanding of the goings on a tad easier in The Rogan Treasures.

And there’s more…

The Rogan Treasures, while wrapping up its own plot, will spill into Book 9 of the series: Sev’s Vision (working title). This novel has been in outline mode for, well, erm… 20 years? Maybe a bit more? Perhaps it’s time to write it, huh? I sense a NaNo November ahead of me. 

Keep reading, dudes.