Quote of the Moment:

Quote of the Moment: Who said this, and why? "I'm coming to realize EVERYONE can eat me."

Friday, August 16, 2013

Monsters are in the Territory

Hey all, 

Monsters in the Territory has been published, woo hoo! It is available on Amazon and Smashwords (which will distribute it soon to Apple, B&N, Sony, etc.)

AND during the next 48 hours, I will enter your name in a drawing for a free copy if you can do one thing: find Corto on the cover of Monsters in the Territory. For easier searching, you can enlarge the cover image either by clicking on the “Look Inside” feature on Amazon, or by clicking on the cover image on my Smashwords page. You’ll need to send me an email (jen.sowle@gmail.com) or send me a private message via Facebook describing where you found Corto. Of course, this presupposes that you know who Corto is...  (Hint: he is a dog) :-)

If the lucky winner has already purchased the book, we can discuss providing a Smashwords coupon or the Amazon “gifting” feature to someone else that you designate. Also remember that Monsters in the Territory is an ebook, no hard copies at this time. 

Ready, set, search! And thanks for reading. 

UPDATE: A winner has been chosen! Thanks to all who entered the drawing and found that little terrier skulking about and spying on ... [spoilers]


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Keep Reading!

Hey all,

I've added some "pages" to my site (see the tabs at the top), one of which is some reviews I have written of other books. These reviews are not great literature, ;-) but they may point you to some books you've not heard of and may want to add to your reading lists.

Keep on reading!

Friday, August 9, 2013

A Whole Different Animal

This blog world is a whole different animal for me, but here we go: I'm getting ready to publish Monsters in the Territory, the second book in my Animal Guild Series! It has been a lot of work to final-edit, format, and work on a fantastic cover with a talented artist, but it will be uploaded soon on Amazon and Smashwords. Meanwhile, my first book, The Animal Guild, is available at both retailers and may have a new price soon that will please many people.

Here are the links (I hope, not being a techie sort):
On Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/The-Animal-Guild-ebook/dp/B0091JDDEG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1375988707&sr=8-1&keywords=the+animal+guild
On Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/241666

All for now, thanks for reading.